Why working with spirit animal energy in your business matters

Hola Cosmic Creative,

Does your genius flow at night?

It does for me. It always has. But I started waking up at 5am for a while - remember the Miracle Morning? Or the 5am club?

I bought the ‘wake up early’ kool-aid like a moth to a flame. 

In fact, I'm sure I've taught/ talked/ shared it on my Goddess programme, IG stories and to anyone who would listen - it was great time of growth for me.

Look, I'm not saying it doesn't have its merits I know it can also be the perfect time to have some YOU time before everyone gets up. You can journal, have your morning tea and no one comes and asks “where is my _________ (insert super random object that for some reason only you can locate)?”

And night time…

Well, I'm starting to really embody my inner jaguar. 

They hunt at night.

There's something that I'm able to tap into late at night that feels a lot more dangerous and raw. To say things, with total and complete confidence. Like a fucking JAGUAR QUEEN.

Working with the energy of spirit animals is the most powerful experience you can give yourself permission to embody


Sisterhood - the kind that allows you to be you without the ‘competition’ only inspiration. Being held. Being seen and supported. No sticky business.

Ancestral connection - the veils are thin between this world and the other at this time of year, your ancestors have wisdom to share with you. Crucially at this time.

Clarity - that burning question you'd like an answer to? You might not get the answer you want but you will get an insight. 

I urge you to really consider this invitation. Yes, I'm using the word URGENT. It is that important. 

Let’s connect and chat about how this can transform your creative business.





You are Not Alone Part II


Why gathering matters