The difference between desire, need and want

Dear fashion lover,

I suppose you could be saying “well, do I need this or do I want this?” 

Can we elevate that question to “do I desire this?”

Desire is so much more juicy, like making love to life because you're here - fucking alive and breathing.

Yes, outside the world keeps telling us is all going to shit and yet I continue to hold the light of joy + hope through it all.  ALWAYS. Even when that may sound 


  • Delusional

  • Frivolous

  • Out of touch

  • Superficial


I'll gladly wear all those labels if it means that when I go into my local bookshop, they smile because “you brighten our day, every time you come in” or someone across the roads makes signs at me and says “BIG BUSH ENERGY hoodie! I love it!” or you meet your friend and British pop star, and she calls you a “legend" for wearing vulva prints on top of more pattern and colour in the middle of winter.




This is what legacy feels like Part II


How to go beyond the ego