I won’t sip Bacardi like it’s my birthday

slow fashion designer

Hola Wombastic Woman,

 Everything that can go wrong, has gone wrong today.

 My flux capacitor is low in plutonium. Bare with me on this one - you'll see what I mean in a minute.

 Which is crazy because today is my birthday and you know what that means?

 Good vibes and all the joy!!! woo - fucking - hoo!!!! (sense the tone?)

 Not today.

 Not today.

The boiler has broken (this is not a pun), the oven is broken, my brother suffers from cluster headaches (which are as painful as giving birth) and today he got one after our boxing class - we were stuck outside the tube in silence. I couldn't do anything for him. Not even my jokes about him wearing pink would make a difference (he wouldn't be caught dead wearing pink!- that's another note). My daughter has a huge competition which I'll miss, and my little one is settling into a new routine that she's finding tricky.

 The photographer for the VIVA LA VULVA retreat is no longer available and I have 3 days to find a new one.

 I had the mid-launch breakdown. Classic.

 I haven't sold all the spaces and I'm unsure about what I'm actually delivering on the day.

 I'm really selling it, hey?


 Why I'm telling you this?

 Honestly, because I do what I want not what I'm supposed.

 Holding a light for perfection, sophistication-the-I-have-it-all-together-kind is not interesting to me. 

 How can I ask you to fall in joy and in love with ALL OF YOU if I'm not willing to do the same?

Your wild woman is messy, sometimes does shit that make no sense, she can be erratic, impulsive, loud, not calm. And yet - in that entanglement she can see another way. There's always another way.



 Today on my birthday, I'm letting my wild woman do her thing. 

 Some will want to shield their eyes from her wonky rainbow light.

 Not you. I know it because if you're reading this note - you're wild woman is dancing loud and messily too. Making yet another ‘erratic’ decision. Shouting FUCCCCKKKK to the four winds.

 Enthralled in the deep throbbing power she exudes. 

 Blood warming up.


 Your womb



 Exploding like lava.

 Now, imagine that multiplied by you, me and us? 

Sacred space: where you can find yourself over and over again

 In joy + power,


This is the flux capacitor from the car in the film Back to the Future. Went to see the musical over the weekend. Without plutonium it doesn't work.

The inspiration behind this is clear! Right?


Viva la Vulva creative retreat: it happened


Sh*t + Shame